Early Days In America Index
Early Days of Railroading 
A light hearted look at the birth of Railroading - (still working on it)
Proud To Be American (Under Construction)
Bringing attention to some of the first, the greatest, most significant and outstanding people, events and inventions or discoveries in our country as well as in the individual states. Some of it is trivia, but there are amazing and interesting facts, educational as well as entertaining. 
"See The USA in Your Chevrolet" (Under Construction)
The birth of the automobile
Pioneer Log Cabin Dwellers (Under Construction)
How did the early settlers build and live in log cabins on the frontier?
Ditches Across America (Under Construction)
Illustrations and stories of early canals in America

Many thanks to the late Mr. Jim Baker, who lived in Worthington, OH. until his death in 1992.  Mr. Baker was the author and artist for many of the entries in the Internet Site, "Early Days In America".